Frances & Roberta McCamy 1910

A  History

of the Military Service

Albert Taylor and Frances McCamy Rymer

Families from 1680 to 2013

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From the earliest days of the Rymers in America members of the family have been in the military. The first we know of is William Rymer sent on Indian scouting parties in 1759 and 1760.  John Alexander (Black John) Rymer fought for the south in the civil war. We are not aware of any members who served during World War I.  Frank Albert Rymer was the only Rymer we know of who served during World War II. This is understandable if you examine the dates of the Rymers birth. Black John's youngest son was born in 1885,  and grandchildren were too young to serve.  During World War II many of the Rymer descendents were too old to serve .  During the Korean War Bob and John Rymer served in the Military, also Uncle Will's grandson David Epperson served as a translator when in the service. Aunt Lou Rymer Miles grandson Eddie Miles served in the military (Korea and or Viet Nam).  Bill Blair and "Richie" Blair served in the military (Mary Charles is to furnish information on them)

World War II
We are aware of the following serving during World War II
Aunt George William's Son Pat (Air Corp pilot) killed when his plane went down over Belgium
Aunt Rob Rucker's only child Ben (Infantry Officer) was killed during the Battle of the Bulge when a shell exploded directly over him
Aunt Lena Ervin's son Ralph served in a non-combat role
Aunt George William's son Howard served in the military
Frances Rymer's son Frank served in a non-combat role

The McCamy had a number of members (no direct ancestors) who served on the side of the south during the civil war.  Aunt Lena's son Ralph Ervin was in England at the time of the Normandy invasion and later was stationed in Europe, do not believe he was in a combat unit. Frank Rymer was in England and later in Germany, he was in a non-combat unit but said they were close enough to the front lines to could hear the guns.


William (Reimer) Rymer Indian scout:

In 1759 and 1760 William was a member of an Indian Scouting Party

1759 documentation: Click Here
1760 documentation: Click Here

 John Alexander (Black John) Rymer
February 22, 1830 - March 30, 1901

During the civil war Black John fought and was wounded at Vicksburg while fighting for the south
Joined March 1, 1862  Listed AWOL September 2, 1964

Click for Black John's Military Records

 Frank Albert Rymer
March 17, 1913 - August 8, 1997
US Army 1943(?) - 1946

Waiting for documentation

  John Eugene Rymer
May 21, 1928 -
US Air Force November 7, 1950 - October 2. 1954

I  joined the Air Force on November 7th, 1950 and was sent to Lackland Air Force Base in Texas for basic training, staying there for several months, then I was sent to Lowery Field in Denver. Colorado where I attended the finance school. At the completion of finance school the entire class was sent to European Theater of Operations for a 3 year tour of duty. I was selected to go to the 3918th Air Force Squadron at Upper Heyford, England, where I had an 8 am to 5 pm job in an office.. When I returned to the states my enlistment was up and I was discharged on October 2nd, 1954. For a more detailed write-up of my years in the Air Force Click Here.  If you wish to see copies of  my Honorable Discharge and form DD-214 Click Here

Robert Howard Rymer
US Army

Bill Richard Blair

Richie Blair (Mary Charles will furnish info and full name)
